Being an account of a middle-aged wargamer, long lost in the wilderness, returning to the hobby he used to love. And stuff.
Monday, 31 October 2011
Gunpowder, Treason and Plot!

Friday, 28 October 2011
My Tank! Has Armour Plate. To save me from hate.

With epic room clearing task finished and the Elder Vesuvius packed off to his weekly hospital visit, I was able to sit down today and finally take a proper look at the Black Pyramid resin landships that you may recall were previewed at Britcon a couple of months back. Well as soon as they became available about two weeks ago I ordered all three models. The add-on kits that were also demoed at Britcon aren't available yet, but hopefully will be soon. What I didn't realise when I placed my order was that Black Pyramid have a special offer on at t he moment - for every landship ordered between now and December 31 will receive a free pack of Tea Wars miniatures. BP kindly pointed this out and asked which figures I'd be wanting, so I asked for a couple of packs of Aether gunners and the Command pack. More on them later.
Tuesday, 25 October 2011
Cause that light at the end of the tunnel, is the front of an oncoming train
Monday, 24 October 2011
We'd like to be unhappy but we never do have the time.
- What to do for Solo Wargaming Appreciation Month
- The new steam tanks from Black Pyramid (short version - they've arrived and look great!)
- More VBCW musings (and how great the guys at Solway are)
- How I've taken up Scott's suggestions for my painting table
- The next big GASLIGHT game
- What to do with those plastic wedding carriage party favours.
Friday, 14 October 2011
Hallo, hooray. There's a price to pay...
Saturday, 8 October 2011
Look at me, still talking when there's science to do.
Monday, 3 October 2011
I see a red coat and I want it painted black
Saturday, 1 October 2011
Donald, whurs yer troosers?
I haz a noo hat.
It's a glengarry, a sort of Scottish bonnet, which has been official military headgear in the British Army since Victorian times. Mine is wool and was a steal at around a tenner including postage from eBay. It's comfortable and surprisingly cool to wear, even in the indian summer we're currently experiencing.
These chaps will be the first British troops I've done using the Army Painter Pure Red primer. So far the results are looking good, with the Pure Red being a near exact match for the craft paint red I used for the other British troops. I've painted one Sergeant figure to near-completion and made a start on four more. With luck I'm hoping to have at least one unit completed by Sunday.
I've also been experimenting a bit with the Army Painter Dark Tone Quickshade. This is advertised as being a very bold shading, suitable for dark painted figures. In actual fact I'm finding that's not quite the case. Whereas the Strong Tone pigment is a sort of brown, the Dark Tone is a much purer black. If you use the “paint on” technique rather than dipping, you can easily reduce the amount of shading to a much greater degree and the lack of “colour” in the shading has less of an effect on the base colour. This makes the Dark tone ideal for figures with a lot of white in their outfit, which the Strong Quickshade would turn into a dirty khaki.
Finally on a personal note I now have internet access at my elderly parents' house, which means I'm no longer totally cut off from the 21st century while on Family Duty. Ah sweet Wikipedia, how I've missed you! Never leave me like that again!